
Our Wishlist of Projects

This is a list of projects that we would like to fund. If something sounds interesting to you and you feel you have the capacity to lead the effort, don’t hesitate to tell us.

The Vegan Business Alliance

The Vegan Business Alliance (VBA) would be a private equity investment fund that purchases or provides seed funding for small businesses that are owned, operated and staffed by vegans. The businesses themselves don’t need to have anything to do with food or vegan products. For more information, see here.

ARC Fund

The Animal Rights Center (ARC) Fund would be an investment vehicle that purchases spaces in major cities and then grants access to groups and individuals working to further animal liberationist causes. For more information, see here.

Liberationist Academy

The Liberationist Academy would be a physical-space school where a small, select group of individuals can go for long-term, in-depth training in principles of non-violent civil disobedience and how to apply them to the animal rights movement. Possibly to be combined with an on-site animal sanctuary.

Retirement Community

We would like to prototype a retirement center, complete with 100% plant-based food, community events around animal rights and veganism, and educational events. Possibly to be combined with an on-site animal sanctuary.


We would like to encourage artists and authors to explore the future world we all envision through engaging stories. The media could be film, TV, novels or short stories. We are particularly interested in centering ordinary human and animal struggles set in this future vision, without making the issue central in any way to the stories so as to more fully immerse the audience in that world in a realistic way.

The National Vegan Association (NVA)

This would be an organization modeled after the National Rifle Association, that is membership-driven, provides benefits to members, and where the members feel a sense of identity with the organization. The NVA would aim to unite a broad spectrum of supporters under one banner.